Yesterday, I saw how patriotism was exhibited in the highest order by Ghanaians but as usual, we talk about our issues once the show lights are off.
One of the 6 killer diseases killing our beloved country is “I can do it better syndrome”, let me explain how it works.
Simply means, everyone thinks they can solve our problems better than they people in power. This deadly virus spreads across the entire country, from Politics to Creative Arts.
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For instance, some musicians will get fame by insulting “so-called gatekeepers” and their leaders because they think they are not working enough, and yet when they reach that same level and the favor is returned, they start “respect your elders” radio tour.
Example 2, When NDC was in power, you will think once the NPP gets the chance to rule our beloved country, they will transform Ghana into America but today, Dumsor is standing at the door knocking, waiting for Ghanaians to welcome it home.
In short, everything looks simple until you are given the chance to fix it. The main problem is, Ghanaians dont like to collaborate, everyone thinks they are the wisest. We tend to never learn from the mistakes of our elders because we think we are better than them forgetting that everyone was once a child.
Anyway, let me go and complain about how graphic designers are not paid for copyright.
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Until then, the next time you try to complain about any problem, ask yourself this ultimate question, “do you have all the information needed to complain?”
Written By: Prince Opoku